Deal Rooms? You've come to the right place.

You're here because you're either interested in Deal Room software or someone else has suggested that you should be. Super. You're in the right place! 

We know that the Deal Room software concept is the proverbial new kid on the block, so we've put together this guide to help you understand exactly what it is, how you can use it, and all of the benefits it's going to bring to your sales processes. 

About us


We're GetAccept, the brains behind the Digital Sales Room (DSR) platform that's all about helping you to create head-turning, revenue-boosting buying and selling experiences.

What's the deal with Deal Room software?

Picture the scene: You've identified a new opportunity and begin the sales process.

You've sent outreach emails, sales collateral, and you're trying to engage your buyer. But your communications are scattered, you have no idea how or even if your buyers are engaging with your content, you're not convinced you know about all key stakeholders, and you're struggling to get agreement on next steps.

It's a lot to manage and you have a feeling there must be a more efficient way to handle things.

And there is: Deal Rooms. 

A centralized space where buyer and seller meet, Deal Room software is designed to help you optimize your sales processes, engage your buyers, and win more deals faster. Ultimately, it empowers revenue teams to: 

  • Create engaging sales templates and documents. It enables the creation of visually appealing and interactive sales documents that can captivate buyers and effectively communicate value propositions.
  • Manage sales collateral in content libraries. Deal Room software provides easy access to a centralized repository of sales materials, ensuring teams can quickly find and use the most up-to-date content and resources.
  • Streamline and optimize deal management by providing a centralized platform for organizing all deal-related information, making it easy to track progress and updates.
  • Enhance collaboration between seller and buyer through functionality such as in-document chat, commenting, and mutual action plans.
  • Get deal insights that help you to understand deal performance, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions. 
  • And buyer insights like how they're engaging with documents, which parts they're spending most time with, and who they're forwarding it on to. 
  • Identify key stakeholders early on and make sure they have access to all collateral and communications that they need to confidently choose you. 
  • Improve transparency and accountability, offering clear visibility into the status of deals and the ability to easily track individual and team performance against goals. 

Already curious?
Try our interactive demo now to see how GetAccept works. 🧡


Good to know

Good to know


Deal Rooms are just part of the Digital Sales Room experience. Once a deal progresses, you can then go on to build your contracts, work with pricing tables, and collect e-signatures — all within GetAccept.

What you'll find in this guide

1. Use cases

We take a look at how Deal Room software can help revenue teams to achieve specific goals, including how it can help you to personalize your outreach, accelerate your sales progression, understand buyer intent, and help you to optimize your processes. 

2. Features you need to know about

You'll learn about 6 key Deal Room features, including sales process templates, content libraries, mutual action plans, tracking and analytics, in-document chat and comments, and automations. 

3. The key benefits of Deal Room software

We'll summarise how the software can help you to bring order to your sales processes, empower you to supercharge your sales velocity, increase your win rates, put your best foot forward, and rev up your RevOps. 

4. How Deal Room software works with your CRM

In this section of the guide we look at how integrating Deal Room software into your CRM can give you useful new functionality and boost overall adoption while enabling you to maintain one source of truth. 

5. Deciding if Deal Room software is right for you

We want customers that love our product and benefit from all the value it can bring. In this final section, we consider the factors that mean you are ready to start using Deal Room software like GetAccept.

"You’re basically making a room for each business deal. Everything’s personal. It’s a place where you meet the customer."

Simon Hurtig

Project Leader at Visit Linköping