
Gain a 360 view of your buyer journey – Empower your CRM with Digital Sales Room

Your CRM is the backbone of your buyer information, but crucial insights into buyer behavior, such as document interactions, stakeholder involvement, and potential roadblocks, are often overlooked or not tracked.

To achieve a 360-degree view of your sales journey, it's vital to look beyond internal CRM activities and integrate external buyer insights with internal data .

Enter the Digital Sales Room – an external source of truth for activities throughout the buyer journey.

Join our webinar and discover how to achieve the following goals within your CRM:

  • Streamline manual tasks for enhanced efficiency.
  • Utilize insights from the Digital Sales Room for accurate pipeline forecasting.
  • Leverage Mutual Action Plans and buyer insights to better coach your sales team.
  • Implement best practices to boost CRM adoption.

Sign up today.


May 28, 2024

14:00 CEST

45 minutes


Samir Smajic CEO & Co-founder, GetAccept

Samir Smajic

CEO & Co-founder, GetAccept

Tarek Elghawaby Senior Product Manager, GetAccept

Tarek Elghawaby

Senior Product Manager, GetAccept

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