How to improve your social selling strategy to personalize outreach

Dec 23, 2016

Read. 3 min.

GetAccept | How to improve your social selling strategy

In an age of automation where content can be scheduled, automated, and distribution across as many social networks as exist, it’s easy to lose sight of the most important reality:

Social media is inherently personal

Anyone can reply, share, modify, comment, and interact with the updates your brand or sales reps create. Conversely, your sales team can approach social media with the goal of personalizing their interactions and humanizing your brand in a way that builds trust and closes deals faster.

Social selling is not shouting at prospects through a megaphone - it’s connecting with their interests on the channels where they are most open to a conversation.

As high performing sales leaders and teams know, the more personalized their interactions are with prospects, the better chance they have of closing the deal.

Learn their interests to build rapport

LinkedIn will inform you of their title, work experience, and decision making ability, but Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram may shine a light on their interests. They may reveal in their bio or updates interests that your reps may share, and can bring up on the next call, or send out an email. These nuanced social selling techniques are noticed and do stand out from the other anonymous and full of buzzword communications that less savvy reps tend to use.

We have seen teams that have a clear understanding of their prospects interests use our video creation tool to foster an immediate and personal connection that disarms the fear and concern over “being sold to” and focuses the conversation around value.

Identify their preferred channels and time of engagement

Just because your company has a kick-ass marketing team that drives thousands of likes and engagement around a Facebook page, does not mean that your reps should prioritize that channel with every prospect. Some prospects may be from highly-regulated industries such as financial services, and may be limited by operational guidelines in what they can share.

Train your reps to do the research up front to discovery what channels are used most, and what time of day the people they are reaching out to are most engaged. Though your reps may be working the majority of the time between 9 - 5, most people interact with social media when they wake up, during lunch, and late in the evening.

GetAccept’s DealAccelerator creates smart re-marketing campaigns that can engage these prospects on social media in the spaces between your reps outreach, creating a seamless line of sales engagement that is the reason why many teams experience an immediate difference in close rate when onboarding to our product.

Match outreach to their communication preferences

General social media posts may peak a prospect’s interest or help educate them on the value of your offering, but it’s 1:1 interactions that resonate the most. Combine social selling tactics with 1:1 sales outreach to set the stage for a scheduled call or meeting. An @ reply or Re-tweet (RT) on Twitter signals that you are listening, and will likely make them more receptive to your next call. It’s tailored communications like these that make sales automation features like live chat and click to call so much more valuable.  

“We more than doubled our close rate after the first month of using GetAccept. Best sales tool we ever used!" Magnus Tummalid - VP of Sales, Ess Hotel Group

Connecting these advanced social selling techniques with a powerful sales automation tool such as GetAccept that features the document analytics, remarketing, and no touch communications will no doubt impact the bottom line as the talent and work effort of your reps is multiplied.

Not sure if your sales automation software and social selling abilities are aligned? Talk with one of our sales experts or schedule a demo to see if GetAccept is the solution that you need to transform sales performance.

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