How to leverage GetAccept for your HR team

Jan 11, 2022

Read. 5 min.

How to leverage GetAccept for your HR team

We all know that recruitment has had to go remote and digital due to the pandemic. There’s no telling how long Covid will last, but digital recruitment is sure here to stay. We know that we’re in for the long haul, but how about you? Have you adapted to the new standards yet? If not, don’t worry — we’re here to help you!

We can agree that all industries today need a perfect tech stack, a go-to digital room that can support your needs and make your everyday work life even better. An example of a tech stack that provides the full customer experience funnel is Teamtailor, GetAccept, HiBob and Winningtemp. 

How is sales engagement and candidate engagement similar?

Either you have an open position that you're looking to fill, or you have a prospect that you’re hoping to turn into a customer. To be able to do that, you take both of these contacts through a journey that (fingers crossed) will lead to a signed contract in the end.

If you're looking to sell more and not recruit more then read our 9 reasons why you sell more with electronic signatures blog post instead!

Empolyee journey

Let's dig deeper into that journey. 

Engagement to make you stand out from the crowd.

Engagement is really about personalization and how you can keep your candidates involved throughout the process.

One way of creating engagement is using video. Get personal and give the candidate a chance to get to know you and the company. You can also keep them engaged and social via chat! This function allows them to reach out to you and ask questions easily. In the chat, you can also invite more people from the team, the manager, or even the talent acquisition team to show the importance of giving attention to the candidate. 

Analytics so you can base your decisions on data.

Does your candidate read through the document you send out thoroughly or just skip through? How much time do they spend reading it? What page is the most interesting? So many questions and so much data to answer them for you. These are good insights for your Talent Acquisition team to follow up on, and prepare themselves for a specific topic or question where the candidate had spent the most time.

All-in-one content creation.

Impress the candidates from the start, boost your content with your brand’s personality, and make sure to be remembered. We all want to stand out from the crowd and we have to if we want to attract the right candidate. With the templates available in the GetAccept platform, you can prepare and always have the latest and greatest content available. It’s not only time-efficient and fun, but it also allows you to spend more time focusing on people instead of focusing on admin. 

E-signing so your candidate can sign anytime, anywhere.

Next step: you want the candidate to sign the proposed contract once you’ve engaged and enabled them through the recruitment process. You decide who needs to sign the contract and in what order the recipients should sign it. GetAccept’s eSignature is as legally binding as if it were written on paper.

Contract Management.

Last but not least, you can store all your contracts in one place and have easy access to them in the GetAccept Contract management system. 

Let’s talk more about how you can engage your employees with GetAccept! 

Besides the obvious that you can send contracts for e-signing through GetAccept, you can leverage the platform in numerous ways to boost employee engagement. When you have a new employee, you can continue engaging them through GetAccept and deliver on the promise you’ve made during the recruitment process and strengthen your employer brand. GetAccept might even become your go-to platform to make sure both remote and in-office staff receive the same information and feel the same sense of belonging. Here are some creative use case examples for inspiration: 

  • Onboarding - After executing a kick-ass recruitment process, you will in some form or shape follow up with onboarding, which sets you up for retention. During the onboarding process, you create a sense of belonging from day one. Here you can use GetAccept for sending out schedules, agendas, questionnaires, to-do lists, or you might want to give your new employee some merch and collect some data for that. 
  • Brand book - Personal video message from your whole organization? Yes, that could be something you adopt into the recruitment process for the best possible candidate experience. Or, if you have a brand book where you present the company and all the perks, you can give the candidate an idea of the culture and the people before their first day. Send it through GetAccept, and you’ll be able to track what catches the candidate’s eye.
  • Invitations - Kick-offs, get-togethers, digital talent shows, schedules for digital coffee breaks or after works.. Your imagination is the only limit to what you can do with GetAccept. Just remember to keep it real and align your initiatives with your company’s brand. 
  • New policies - How do you ensure that all your employees have received and actually read through the new company policy? Surprise, surprise: you send it through GetAccept! You will then be able to see who reads the information and who just scrolls straight to the bottom of the document, to the signing part. These insights will help you follow up with your employees to support and engage them. 


If we haven’t convinced you yet that the GetAccept platform is a fine dime when it comes to recruitment and employer branding. 

Book a demo here and we will try our best to support you in your next step of engagement.

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