How technology can reduce costs in the workplace

Mar 31, 2023

Read. 10 min.

How technology can reduce costs in the workplace

Companies across industries strive to improve workflow and accommodate market needs. So, manual efforts won’t suffice in keeping up with increasing customer demand, whether you are a small company or a big corporation. 

That’s where technical tools can help. 

Investment in AI software and tools has become a fundamental requirement to stay afloat in an increasingly competitive market. Besides streamlining communication, companies use technology to boost efficiency and reduce costs. This way, businesses can optimize their resources and increase profitability. 

In this blog post, we will explain the ins and outs of workflow tools and how they can contribute to better financial management for your business.

1. Communication tools

For starting and running a business, seamless communication is essential. Communication tools ensure a streamlined process, from conducting sensitive team conversations to convincing prospects. 

Examples of communication tools 

Here are some communication tools top businesses swear by:

Video conferencing

Since the pandemic, video conferencing tools have become the holy grail of communication for many companies. These tools are helpful for companies with global workforces. 

Video conferencing systems offer advanced features like waiting rooms, whiteboard, sharing the desktop screen with all participants, etc. Teams don’t have to wait for managers to arrange meetings. They can use the company's video conferencing tool and get on a quick call to share ideas and discuss projects in the convenience of their space. 

Neal Taparia, a co-founder of Cribbage-Online, explains you may have access to numerous communication tools. “We had used Zoom among our team until we realized we could use Google’s video conferencing tools already built into our Google Apps suite. This has created some nice savings for our business.”

Instant messaging

Instant messaging tools replace infinite email threads with seamless communications through texts. With only a few keystrokes, teams can send critical project details, share files, and send reports to their colleagues. 

Integrating instant messaging into the company’s internal system allows you to check an employee's status and communicate with them conveniently. It also reduces friction and miscommunication and enables employees to reply to urgent texts immediately. 

Business landline phone

A landline business phone connection is a go-to choice for those companies wanting to have a reliable phone system that works regardless of a strong internet signal or a power outage. It’s a plug & play solution for those not interested in a complicated VoIP system. Business phone providers, such as Community Phone, promise a more reliable and consistent service, with more dedicated customer support and a simpler setup.

Business landline phone systems are a great solution for customer service and sales teams working with many external calls.

Digital sales room 

Digital sales room - dynamic templates

Sales teams can offer the best buying experience for your customers with a digital sales room. It enables your sales reps to create a secure digital space and deliver an engaging and personalized sales experience. 

With a digital sales room, you get: 

  • Better sales efficiency
  • Reduced time to close a deal
  • Better personalization in the sales process

For example, GetAccept offers digital sales rooms with features like: 

  • Deal and pipeline insights
  • Online and offline sales collateral
  • Personalized videos
  • Real-time chat
  • Reminder systems 

It lets you involve internal and external stakeholders in one space and negotiate with them more efficiently. 

Benefits of using communication tools for cost reduction

  • Eliminate endless rounds of time-wasting phone calls with instant messaging and reduce phone bills.
  • Video conferencing lessens travel expenses by connecting employees from all around the globe. 
  • Decrease delays and help optimize resources. 

Administrative tools

One of the most significant expenditures in any business is its administrative costs. Delegating projects to a large workforce and tracking everyone’s progress manually is error-prone. 

With administrative tools, you can automate redundant tasks and focus more on the strategic parts of the project. It improves efficiency in the team and brings accuracy. You can easily plan projects, check the progress of each team member in real-time, and keep them on track. 

You can eliminate traditional paper-based accounting systems and switch to a more convenient cloud-based accounting tool. Such administrative tools help you save money on stationery expenses. As you can perform several tasks together, you also reduce the cost of human resources. 

Automation tools

Companies waste a lot of time and resources on repetitive tasks. Automation tools eliminate that need by addressing the tedious parts of operations, reducing operating costs. 

Examples of automation tools


Integrating chatbots into your system helps resolve employee issues and digital sales and streamlines customer communications. Automation technologies offer intuitive AI-powered bots that fix problems within minutes, enhancing employee and customer experience. They offer:

  • 24/7 availability
  • Omnichannel communication
  • Instant response and consistent answers
  • Personalization 
  • Multilingual conversations. 

Task automation

Companies need to handle various repetitive but necessary tasks. These take up a lot of time and cause boredom and frustration among employees. 

Automation tools take care of these tasks without human intervention. It gives employees time to prioritize strategic parts of their jobs. For example, automating something as basic as booking new hire onboarding meetings can save considerable time.

Workflow automation

By reducing errors, automation tools streamline workflow. Each part of the project gets done in time and streamlines every tier of an operation.

Benefits of using automation tools for cost reduction

  • Increases workflow efficiency and optimizes existing resources. 
  • Frees up employees to focus on higher value work, reducing costs and boosting revenue
  • Reduces human error and lowers the chances of using resources on rework. 
  • Enables you to deliver projects faster and within budget. 
  • Lowers attrition cost by increasing employee satisfaction. 

Cloud computing tools

With the increasing popularity of remote work, implementing cloud computing tools is booming across industries. This technology enables businesses to access IT resources over the internet through subscription packages without upgrading the internal system. 

Migrating to the cloud offers extensive benefits like better productivity and budget savings. For example, small businesses that opt for Amazon Web Services experience an average cost saving of 31%

Examples of cloud computing tools

Cloud storage

Cloud storage is a system that lets users save data in an off-site location. Businesses can access them via public internet or the company’s private network connection. These tools offer enhanced security, mobility, and scalability, making storage efficient and cost-effective. 

Cloud-based software

It refers to applications and software programs stored, managed, and accessible through the cloud. These systems use shared computing resources. Thus, providers distribute infrastructure and service costs among their clients, making the software affordable. 

Virtual machines

Virtual machines are based on computer architecture and provide the functionalities of physical computers, offering an emulation of computer systems. These tools can run multiple OS environments on a single physical computer. 

Cloud security

Cloud security is a critical concern for organizations that store sensitive data on cloud platforms. Encryption, access control security, monitoring, and data backup are among the measures used to protect against unauthorized access and data loss.

Benefits of using cloud computing tools for cost reduction

  • You don’t need any upfront hardware or software purchases. 
  • Cloud software reduces storage, network, maintenance, and upgrade expenditures. 
  • Virtual machines eliminate the need to migrate to different operating systems, reducing costs. 

Data analytics tools

Organizations rely on data to make accurate business decisions. According to reports, 53% of organizations use data and analytics for enhanced processes and cost efficiency. For that, businesses need data analytics tools. 

Such software gathers business and customer data and analyzes them to generate insightful reports. It collects information on a company’s customers, marketing performance, competition, and sales to uncover issues and help improve processes. 

Examples of data analytics tools 

Business intelligence software

BI tools gather and process large and unstructured data sets from internal and external sources. These software programs retrieve insights based on the generated results. These tools help visualize data, create dashboards, and generate comprehensive reports. 

Predictive analytics

These tools process historical data to gauge future business outcomes. Predictive analytics uses data mining, machine learning, and statistical modeling to find patterns in data and predict risks and opportunities. 

Data visualization tools

Data visualization tools make analytics reports more comprehensive by showing graphical representations of gathered information. It helps companies understand the patterns and identify red flags without going into the jargon of data analytics. 

Benefits of using data analytics tools for cost reduction

  • Shows which customers return items frequently and have a high cost-to-serve by analyzing customer loyalty metrics.
  • Predicts digital sales risks and helps the company mitigate losses. 
  • Offers enhanced log analytics and avoids missed SLAs downtime.
  • Enables fraudulent customer detection and avoids losses. 

Cybersecurity tools

With more technological reliance, organizations face severe cyber threats. These can cause businesses to lose sensitive data and incur huge losses. 

Data breach costs in the US

According to IBM, US organizations experience the highest cyber attack losses, with each breach costing them about $9.44 million. 

To counter this, organizations use cybersecurity tools to safeguard their data. This software protects your company's internal systems from cyber theft, breach, and damage. Additionally, it is crucial to regularly test the security of a system or application to identify vulnerabilities and ensure comprehensive protection.

Examples of cybersecurity tools 

Anti-virus software

These programs prevent, identify and remove viruses from computers, networks, or IT systems. It also protects networks from malware like Trojan horses, spyware, worms, reductase, botnets, etc. They also scan emails and ensure they are free from malware. 


Firewalls protect companies’ internal systems by preventing unauthorized access to or from any private network. You can incorporate these in both hardware and software. 

Every message entering or leaving the system goes through the firewall. Here, the program examines and blocks messages that don’t meet security criteria. 

Encryption tools

Encryption tools protect data stored in a network or a computer. Companies often collect and transfer personal information from their customers as contact numbers, addresses, social security, etc. Without proper encryption, especially email encryption, businesses can experience serious compliance issues, losing considerable money. 

Benefits of using cybersecurity tools for cost reduction

  • Prevent loss or damage of sensitive data and related losses.
  • Ensures compliance, eliminating the cost of resolution


Technology can minimize business costs by automating tasks, preventing cyber threats, and increasing productivity. 

However, companies should make careful choices while opting for tools. Look into scalability, customer service, and price range and choose the one that suits your business needs. 

To reduce expenses and increase profitability, companies must embrace the convenience of technology.

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