GetAccept Blog | The Revenue Team's Best Resource

April Salesforce updates: Mutual Action Plans, rich text, and more

Written by Yutong Nan | April 04, 2024

We're back with the latest updates for your GetAccept integration and an upcoming event you won't want to miss!

Mutual Action Plan

With this update, you are able to have an overview of all active plans within Salesforce, including the completion rate, owner of the deal room, and the associated account. 

This feature gives you more insights into your ongoing deals. Leverage these insights to easily spot the roadblocks, coach your reps early, and act on the right opportunities efficiently. Check out this interactive demo to see how it works. 

Effortlessly push rich text from Salesforce into GetAccept documents

Previously, reps needed to manually format text for terms and conditions, product descriptions, and next steps in both Salesforce and GetAccept documents, resulting in unnecessary admin work.

With this update, the process is streamlined. Now, rich text stored in Salesforce (e.g., bullet points, text in bold and italic) can seamlessly flow into the GetAccept documents, greatly reducing admin work and improving your sales efficiency.

This convenient feature is available for both the Deal Room and Contract Room modules. Dive into this help article for more details.

Upcoming event: Connect with the faces behind your GetAccept integration

Join us on April 24th at Salesforce's World Tour Essentials event in Stockholm, where our Integration Product Manager, Tarek, and Engineering Manager, James, will be in attendance. Drop by to say hello and tap into their expertise - they're excited to chat with you and address any inquiries you may have.

Register now using this link

Other updates and enhancements for GetAccept for Salesforce:

New: Change deal room name and set Company Name based on your CRM data 
New: Save contract recipient links locally (on seal)
New: Merge field lock settings for contracts
New: Edit room name in deal room overview
New: Field descriptions and help text to all action plan fields
Fix: Update deal room button styling
Fix: Deal room dropdown handle empty state
Fix: Add external_id to invocable method for sending documents
Fix: Fix contract analytics scroll bar colours
Fix: Send standard invite on after deal room publish